Game Music

Nom Nom Galaxy Soundtrack now available on Steam

February 25, 2016 | | Comment? Share thison Facebook Nom Nom Galaxy Soundtrack now available on Steamon Twitter


While you might expect the soundtrack to a game about building an intergalactic empire out of soup to be whimsical and playful, Nom Nom Galaxy goes an entirely different direction with its music. It was created by progressive rock band, The Electric Bends, which is made up of Q-Games President, Dylan Cuthbert, and several other members of the studio that made the game.

Unlike its contemporaries — Terraria and Minecraft that score the wonder of exploring huge worlds with minimal, even emotionally stirring soundtracks — Nom Nom Galaxy’s sound goes much harder. While scavenging alien landscapes for new soup ingredients you’ll be accompanied by wafting guitars and dissonant bass riffs that seem to wander along with you. Yawning outer space distortion and tinny, punchy drums accentuate most of the album. Some fantastic distorted organ-like sounds make ‘Smoking the Couch’ a unique standout while later pieces lean more towards ambient electronic. The 17 tracks live up to the promise of an “aural journey” with many songs meandering to 9, 12, even 16 minutes in length that incorporate and expand on the shorter loops heard in the game itself.

The album has been available on Bandcamp, iTunes and Amazon since last November but it made its debut on Steam just last week. It can be purchased alone for $9.99 or bundled with the game for $17.99. Nom Nom Galaxy is currently a free game for PlayStation Plus members through the month of February as well. Coincidentally, I just started playing the PlayStation 4 version last night. What about you? Have you been following the game since its Early Access days or waiting for this soundtrack release? Let us know in the comments.

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