Jeff Roberts, a Canadian musician who goes by the moniker jmr and lurks around the corners of the video game arrangement scene and releases some of his own music from time to time, released his newest work through the ThaSauce network on their original label called Wardriver. Over the course of 20 days or so, Roberts tweaked and tuned his album to completion. That’s not so special or out of the ordinary, but what he made it on probably is.
The entire album was composed and performed on his cellphone. Yeah bet you didn’t see that coming. Using the PhoenixStudio interface and his own little cell, he crafted a 15 minute EP The results is quite impressive too, with energetic tunes reminiscent to Amiga and C64 with some excellent retro vibes and demoscene influence, especially the title track. It’s definitively a release to check out for both the quality of music and curiosity of the actual execution.
The EP can be downloaded at Wardriver:Tha Sauce
Tags: Amiga, Cellphones, Chip Music, Demoscene, ThaSauce