Japanese, Reviews

Women Without Sleeves: no3b’s Kimi Shika Single (Review)

April 15, 2011 | | Comment? Share thison Facebook Women Without Sleeves: no3b’s Kimi Shika Single (Review)on Twitter

We’ve featured No Sleeves (no3b) a few times here on OSV. The trio is an offshoot of the immensely popular AKB48 super group, and I’ve been pretty impressed with their past singles. Kimi Shika is the group’s fifth single which was released in 2010.

The single has been used for a variety of purposes, including the NTV Shiodome Expo 2010 theme song, the ending theme for the TV show Jack 10, and as the theme for the mobile drama, Kotodama no Onnatachi.

Find out if it’s worth checking out in our review.

The title track, “Kimi Shika” (“Only You”) actually sports a killer musical backing. Trancey synths, driving percussion, funky bass, and upbeat belltones all combine into something that sounds like a soundTeMP composition. The vocals double-up with the belltones, creating some beautiful harmonies, although the instrumental version on the disc is nearly just as good. There’s even a rockin’ electric guitar solo that comes in towards the end. It’s less playful that previous no3b tracks that we’ve discussed, but it’s still energetic and uplifting.

The B-side, “青春の木洩れ陽,” is pretty unremarkable. It plods along at a measured pace, and while I dig the bassline, there isn’t much to draw in the listener. As both tracks are produced by the same artist, it’s no surprise that there is also an electric guitar solo here.

There are three different versions of this single available which including various combinations of the single and extra DVDs featuring the music video and “making of” videos. The standard edition we have here features the lyrics and individual shots of the members sadly sipping on their drinks. Overall, I like “Kimi Shika,” but prefer “Tane” and the incredible B-side “Girl’s Talk” over this one. CD Japan only has the standard edition in stock while Play-Asia has the standard edition and limited type C in stock.

Are you a fan of No Sleeves or AKB48? Is it at all strange that a single song can be the theme song for two different shows?

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