If you own a PS Vita, lucky you! The game that looks to be this summer’s “killer app” is out, and you should be playing it. It’s called Gravity Rush, though its original Japanese title is Gravity Daze. I don’t own a Vita (yet), so I’m unable to play it.
However, I do have basic audio peripherals and ears, so I was able to fully experience the game’s soundtrack, by veteran composer Kouhei Tanaka (also spelled Kohei, the debate is never-ending). If you don’t know that name, then I recommend you spend the $6 to download a lovely little game called Alundra, or grab Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love (wii, PS2), or even Resonance of Fate for PS3/360 (though on that, note that Tanaka writes the scene music, Sakuraba is on for battles!).
I’m a huge Kouhei Tanaka fan; I’ve loved him since the first day I played Alundra and took in some of his brilliant music. After the jump, my thoughts on the soundtrack for Gravity Rush! And yes, the usual suspects (CDJapan, Play-Asia) all stock it. (more…)