In addition to the great poet, Virgil, who is Dante’s guide through his perilous and horrific journey through Hell (and his own redemption), we also have a musical poet to guide us through Visceral Games’ Hell. Much like in 2007’s Bioshock where the underwater city of Rapture became the true antagonist and star of the game, Dante’s Inferno’s Hell is clearly the star here. And, now that I mention it, both games’ scores were composed by same man. Coincidence? Of course not.
It is the great Garry Schyman that tells us with a fervent hand to “Go To Hell.” The only thing left to decide here is whether or not we are happy that he is the one to have sent us there and, more importantly, do we feel like his score has driven us down deep enough into the scourge of all creation to merit the blessing of Dante Alighieri.
Click the jump to find out! (more…)