Do you like chiptunes? How about a massive amount of chiptunes all compiled by some of the scene’s diverse blood? How would you like 50+ assorted tracks all bundled together at a price you get to determine?
You just basically got the gist of Chiptunes = WIN: Volume 3 that just came out this week. Comprised of a slew of the chip community’s bigger names and even some newcomers to the scene, the album delivers a grand assortment for your listening pleasure. Directed by Brandon “President Hoodie” Hood with art by Nate “FoxxDragon” Horsfall, Volume 3 also features additional merchandise and a whole bunch of antics and tomfoolery.
Details about the album can be found on the ChipWIN Blog, and the album can be grabbed for whatever price you want on the group’s Bandcamp page, along with all of the previous albums. I definitely recommend checking the compilation out and dare you not be shaking certain posterior body parts while doing so.