I’ve been personally looking forward to this one for a long time. Muramasa was released last year, and it was starting to look as though it would suffer the same fate as Opoona without an official soundtrack release. However, December 2009 marked the formation of Basiscape Records, an in-house record label that made Basiscape soundtrack releases all but assured. We already looked at their first release, Kumatanchi, but I know a lot of people want to know more about the 3-disc soundtrack for Muramasa.
It’s definitely an interesting score, relying mainly on traditional Japanese instruments such as the shamisen and the shakuhachi, but the team at Basiscape has done a lot more than just rehash traditional Japanese music, and have injected their own unique styles and embellishments into the mix. Interestingly, to go along with the split stories in the game (there are two playable characters with different stories), many of the songs feature both an “A” and “B” version, providing a variation on each key theme, with the “A” version usually being more abstract and the “B” version being more rockin’.
Well, I’m getting ahead of myself. Read our review of Basiscape’s latest team effort after the jump! (more…)