The end of the world may have come to pass, but it seems the journey must continue. It’s been over two years since the first Darksiders game told the (ever over-used) tale of the wars of heaven, hell, and the trials of War: Horseman of the Apocalypse. The dark action-adventure game featured an equally dark and ambient soundtrack to illustrate War’s journey in melodic detail.
Now for Darksiders II, we advance further into the story with the arrival of another Horseman – Death – as he continues the hellish tale and the aftermath of Armageddon. As such, the soundtrack gets a equal change-up with the advent of Danish composer Jesper Kyd (Borderlands, Assassin’s Creed) into the series mix.
Does the soundtrack’s sequel succeed the original? Surpass, even? Check under the jump for the details! (more…)