To call me jaded regarding live performances of Final Fantasy music would be like saying “One-Winged Angel” is vaguely popular with the fans. This would be the sixth time I’ve heard that tune live since 2004 and by two very different orchestras (and yes, that’s assuming Distant Worlds was going to play it… ah, who am I kidding?). Despite this, the moment I joined the crowd waiting outside the concert hall of the Sydney Opera House, I realized that for a lot of these people, this was the first time. I envied that I couldn’t quite feel the excitement that I saw in their faces.
Because I believed, deep-down, that the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the ensemble choir Cantillation and Arnie Roth, conductor and Main Man of Distant Worlds, were going to bring their top game to Australia’s very first dedicated Final Fantasy concert. With Nobuo Uematsu in attendance, and both nights sold out, how could they not? And why was it “my” Final Fantasy? What exactly does that mean?
All shall be revealed, right after the jump. (more…)