One year ago, OSV’s inaugural “Soundtrack of the Month” was the score for Joe Hisaishi’s Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. This classic anime, based on a long series of manga-style graphic novels, was released in 1984 in Japan. Thirteen years later, Miyazaki-san decided to attempt the “man vs. nature” plot type again. But this time, instead of a post-apocalyptic fantasy world, he used the historical backdrop of 15th-century Japan, but still included plenty of mythical creatures and fantasy. And, of course, Miyazaki’s trustworthy film score composer, Joe Hisaishi, was along for the ride.
Today’s soundtrack of the month may be understood as a fitting reprisal. The only Miyazaki film, and soundtrack, darker and more shocking than Nausicaä has got to be Princess Mononoke. After the jump, our full review of this classic soundtrack, which you can pick up in Japan, Europe, or America with relative ease.