[Editor’s Note: Contributor Justin Pfeiffer is our man in Japan, and I think he’s trying to compete with Crystal’s Joe Hisaishi concert coverage with the length on this one. This comprehensive report is absolutely worth the read if, like me and mostly everyone else outside of Japan, you couldn’t make it to EXTRA 2008]
Coolest event in history? EXTRA – HYPER GAME MUSIC EVENT may just in fact be that. Where else can you see Yasunori Mitsuda playing a Korg DS-10 live on stage, Yuzo Koshiro performing Actraiser on piano, or dance the night away to Hip Tanaka’s “Do The Donkey Kong?” Thinking back to EXTRA 2008 still gives me chills. You saw our announcement and interview with EXTRA creator Masatoshi Nakamura, now we finally reveal an insider’s look at the world’s biggest game music event.
Check our impressions of the show after the jump. (more…)