You don’t know who Deepak Chopra is? If you’re bored, peruse his Wikipedia entry. But here are the pertinent parts:
Deepak Chopra is a doctor. He is also big on mind/body connections, alternative medicine, new age Hindu philosophy, and ridding oneself of negative emotions. He was also creative director for a new “game” (I use the term loosely) on Xbox 360 and Wii called Leela. The name is a Sanskrit word that refers to leisure, play, or recreational activity.
For those quick to criticize the concept, I’d like to give you the age-old advice “don’t knock it til you try it.” As you may have put together in my soundtrack review for Deus Ex: Human Revolution, I’m not averse to “New Age” either as music or as a philosophy toward life. And who doesn’t like to relax? Norihiko Hibino gave us a similar opportunity in his iPhone sleep-aid app Prescription For Sleep. And that was awesome, so why not this? Besides, it’s not like Chopra is actually writing the music himself. He turned to a variety of New Age/World Music artists for that.
After the jump, our review for the two disc album Deepak Chopra’s Leela: soundtrack., which deserves a special award for having such a unique name. (more…)