The newest iteration of the Game Music Bundle from the fine folks at Loudr is now on sale for auditory consumption!
From now until December 18th, the Game Music Bundle 8 features 19 separate video game soundtracks for sale on different “levels” of purchase. The first level is unlocked with just $1 and offers five soundtracks, including:
* Gods Will Be Watching – fingerspit
* Monsters Ate My Birthday Cake – Disasterpeace
* Super Time Force – 6955
* The Sailor’s Dream (Original Soundtrack) – Jonathan Eng
* Zombies – Bignic
However, if you’re looking for the whole kit-n-caboodle, for $10 you can access the second level, which includes the five soundtracks mentioned above, plus:
* Dreamfall Chapters Reborn Original Soundtrack – Simon Poole
* Freedom Planet – GalaxyTrail
* FTL: Advanced Edition – Ben Prunty
* Gods Will Be Watching Alternative Soundtrack – fingerspit
* Hack N’ Slash – Paul O’Rourke
* Halfway – Gavin Harrison
* Izakaya Ōmen ~MINI~ – Maxo
* Lifeformed: Immerse – Lifeformed
* Lovely Planet – Calum Bowen
* Majestic Nights – Das_Fokks
* Monarch: Heroes of a New Age Original Soundtrack – Goomin Nam
* Spell Team Death Match – Bignic
* The Novelist – Kent Hudson
* Wanderlust Adventures – Chris Christodoulou
As mentioned above, the bundle is only on sale until December 18th, so be sure to pick it up for yourself or make it a great holiday gift for the game music lover in your life!
Game Music Bundle 8 –