The Megami Tensei franchise as a whole is a rather unique one in the realm of Japanese RPGs, and has been ever since it started on the Famicom in 1987, not only in the subject matter that it used, but also in its presentation and soundtrack.
Now, the popularity of the franchise has risen dramatically, which can be attributed to the critical success of Persona 3 and 4, both spin offs from the main Megami Tensei franchise. In the US, however, the two other games in the Persona franchise weren’t as well known or well treated when they were brought to the US originally, with the then titled Revelations: Persona featuring very questionable cultural changes in addition to some rough translation work, and only one of the two games that made up Persona 2 actually being brought over. As a result, after the PSP remake/port of the original Persona was completed, Atlus has decided to not only bring the game over to the US with the promise of a better localization, but also with the added bonus of a 2-disc soundtrack for those who buy a physical copy of the game, featuring the work of Shogi Meguro on this project.
Read our review of this new soundtrack after the jump. (more…)