Compared to the last video, which was meant for the sake of humor (though the music still sounded great), these fan arrangements are meant to be serious musical endeavors. And it shows. After the jump, check out Freddie do an incredible multi-instrument acoustic arrangement from The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker, and a great electric guitar medley of songs from Mega Man 9!
I can’t believe we’re finally to this point! It seemed like just yesterday that we were looking forward to getting our hands on Mega Man 9, and now that we’ve heard the original soundtrack, the Rockman 9 Arrange Soundtrack is a last frontier of sorts. I’ve been anticipating the album, and I know a lot of you have as well, so how is it?
Well, you’re in for a mixed bag in several ways. Some tracks take an out-of-the-box approach, while others adhere closely to the source material. Some feel like they were arranged just for the sake of being arranged, but I guess that’s the nature of having to arrange every single song from a game. Is it everything we had hoped, or a disappointment?
It’s been a couple weeks, but here’s our third OSVchannel update. This time I’m giving you a taste of the music from Mega Man 9 and de Blob, both of which we have been covering extensively on OSV. Get your dose of retro goodness with MM9 and shot of funk and jazz with de Blob.
As always, send your tips and suggestions to We want to know what we can do to make our video updates more interesting. Be sure to stay tuned for OSVchannel Episode 4, as we’re going to have another “special surprise” for you.
Have you been digging the music in Mega Man 9? Are you going to be picking up de Blob at Circuit City to get the soundtrack CD?
After drooling and raving about Mega Man 9 at E3 and Comic Con this year, like many of you, I finally got my hands on the full version of the game yesterday and am completely impressed by the difficulty of the game and of course the music. It provides an interesting blend of old and new sounds, giving Mega Man 9 its own distinct flavor.
While Capcom kept a lid on who was handling the game’s music, it turns out that members of Inti Create’s sound team (called “III”) were responsible, including group leader Ippo Yamada with Ryo Kawakami, Yu Shimoda, and Hiroki Isogai, all of whom are listed as arrangers and computer programmers, which is a play on the techniques that composers had to use when creating music on the NES back in the day.
So, does the Mega Man 9 soundtrack live up to the hype? Read our impressions after the jump. (more…)
You know that I’m completely in love with Mega Man 9. I’ve been begging everyone I’ve come in contact with at Capcom to please confirm a soundtrack release for the game, and it’s finally here.
Famitsu has confirmed that the Rockman 9: The Ambition’s Revival!! Original Soundtrack will hit Japan on September 12 with an arranged soundtrack to follow soon after. The composers have still not been revealed, but from what I’ve gathered from Capcom, it doesn’t seem likely that they’re going to be telling us any time soon. It appears as though they want to keep it somewhat of a secret, similar to how composer credits were handled with classic Mega Man titles on the NES.
Many know first hand that the music from Concrete Man and Plug Man’s stages are fantastic, and I’m confident that the 35 tracks on the album will be equally retromazing.
Are you excited about the release of Mega Man 9? Will we be seeing credits like Bunbun and Yuukichan’s Papa in the composer credits?
We posted the debut trailer for Mega Man 9 last week, and I was floored by how retromazing the music was. Well, when I hit the floor at E3, the first thing I did was run over to the Mega Man 9 setup as it’s my most anticipated title for this year. After spending nearly an hour with the demo’s two playable stages, I think I am completely satisfied… at least for now.
So what about the music? It’s everything you could have imagined from the previous trailer. While nobody at Capcom was able to give me the names of the composers working on the title, rest assured that I’ll be asking next week at Comic Con.
Check out our impressions of the game and the music after the jump. (more…)
Okay, so I stole that word from Destructoid’s Chad Concelmo, but imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? I can’t help but watch this trailer (courtesy of IGN) over and over again to hear the two amazing songs featured within. It’s everything that we’ve known and loved from oldschool Mega Man titles and their music.
The track that appears throughout most of the trailer is heavy on bass and percussion, featuring an epic flute melody that screams of badassness. Near the end of the trailer, what I presume is the title music takes over with a powerful ascending melody that really gets the adrenaline pumping. I hope to hear more of the music at E3 next week, and rest assured I’ll let you know how the rest of the music in the game is sounding. I imagine the raw square and triangle waves will cut right through the rest of the noise of the floor.
So who’s writing the music? In an interview in the most recent issue of Nintendo Power, Inafune says in response to a question about the music, “Everything down to the music and sound effects is all 8-bit style. The composer is one of the staff members who worked on Mega Man Zero […] and someone who worked on music for NES games was also involved.” That pretty much narrows it down to two out of about twenty people! It’s still great to hear that they’re really aiming for the heart of the franchise.
What do you think of the tunage found in the trailer? Is this the triumphant return of the true blue that you had hoped for?