Once again we’re featuring work by renowned Japanese composer Yoko Kanno. This time, it’s the second soundtrack from the latest installment of the anime classic, Macross. You may recognize the original Macross saga as the first season of Robotech–an anime which aired on American television during the 80’s–which featured multiple anime series, edited together to form a single show for syndication. Unfortunately, this caused several licensing issues, which ultimately prevented localization of some of the most recent Macross series. Despite that, it still maintains a cult following, no doubt for its cool mecha, love triangles, and strong emphasis on the music–of which, Macross Frontier is in no short supply.
Macross Frontier provided us with two official soundtracks, a vocal album, six CD singles, and drama CDs. Of those, the second soundtrack went on to sell more than 100,000 copies within the first week it was released– a feat which hadn’t been accomplished since 1997’s The End of Evangelion. If those numbers haven’t already sold you on it, maybe I can.
Hit the jump to find out why Macross Frontier Original Soundtrack 2 – Nyan Tora is our pick for soundtrack of the month. (more…)