You might be asking yourself why you’re seeing Macho Man Randy Savage on OSV today. What did he ever do for game music? Well, not much, but he did release a rap album called Be A Man, which should have won a Grammy. Good music is always overlooked, and I should know, I was the only one who bought Hulk Hogan’s Wrestling Boot Band album, Hulk Rules, and it can be very lonely at times knowing that, let me tell you. But the reason why all of this is here today is because one of the top trending things on YouTube today is Botchamania.
What is Botchamania? Well, it’s a collection of wrestlers screwing up moves, lines, and everything else you could possibly screw up royally on in this world. For years he’s been one of YouTube’s most viewed members and his seemingly never ending videos always feature game music of the most famous and obscure nature. He was awesome enough to take the time to talk to me recently and even if you’re not a wrestling fan by any stretch, there should be some laughs for you here and in his videos!
Get to know Maffew of Botchamania after the jump! (more…)