A lot of people love Bethesda’s 2011 Elder Scrolls RPG, Skyrim, and Julia Okrusko is definitely one of them. A violinist for over twenty years and composer for four years, she’s already kickstarted three original albums and collaborated on several fantasy-themed game and film scores. Her latest effort is Fantasy Symphony No.1, “Dragonborn”, an orchestral symphony of her own design that aims to create a “portrait of [the] Dragonborn and express external and internal realities of being immersed in the world of fantasy”.
The campaign will run until November 1st at which point MP3 copies and pressed CDs will be sent to backers along with other backer rewards including dragon pendants, scrolls featuring the main theme, and signed copies of the album and promotional posters. You can hear a sample of the symphony’s first movement in the video above or check out the official Kickstarter campaign page for more info.