So, here’s part two of the massive interview that took place on Saturday, July 18 before the Distant Worlds show in San Francisco (part one is here). While we had intended to talk to Hiroki “wappa” Ogawa about Dog Ear Records, we quickly discovered that Uematsu’s integral role in the company meant a joint interview, and more tangents and crazy questions.
Wonder who all works at Dog Ear Records? We have that. Curious about what Dog Ear Records has up its sleeves? How about a Famicom piano album by KALAYCILAR pianist Keita Egusa, a full-length Cellythm album, and a “best of” collection featuring Uematsu-san’s music? Have you ever wondered what Koichi Sugiyama thinks of Uematsu’s music? That’s here too.
Join us for another round of questioning with Nobuo Uematsu and Hiroki Ogawa of Dog Ear Records after the jump. (more…)