Darker than BLACK: Ryuusei no Gemini was a popular anime series revolving around humans who possessed special abilities caused by a field known as the “Hell’s Gate.” In addition to impressing audiences with its visuals, it also featured a very catchy opener titled “Tsukiakari no Michishirube” (“Guidepost of the Moonlight”) performed by the J-pop band stereopony who will make their first American convention appearance at the AnimeNEXT held from June 18 – 20 at the Garden State Exhibit Center in Somerset, New Jersey.
As a note, this won’t be their first time in the United States, since they did perform at the South by Southwest 2009 (SXSW) media festival.
Anime fans should be somewhat familiar with the group since they did perform the opening songs to Gundam 00’s second season with “Namida no Mukou.” They also sang the Bleach ending song titled “Hitohira no Hanabira.” Those hoping to learn more can access it through their MySpace page or their main site.
Any of you out there going to AnimeNEXT just for the sole purpose of being able to see stereopony’s concert? Does anyone have thoughts about their music and whether those manage to fit in with the overall mood of the anime that they lead in or out of?