Well, we finally have the answers to our first round of “Ask Hibino,” the exclusive feature where you send Hibino-san your questions and he answers them for you right here on OSV. And yeah, I said answers, not answer! Hibino-san actually answered a handful of questions rather than just picking one this month, so be sure to tell him thank you in the comments!
Topics this month include the upcoming Live Music by Piano and Strings: Sekaiju no MeiQ I & II Super Arrange Version, his work on “Snake Eater” from Metal Gear Solid 3, his predictions for Zone of the Enders 3, his work on 1942: Joint Strike, and even the possibility of a new Actraiser arrange album (which is absolutely awesome). Be sure to send your questions to [email protected], and we’ll be doing this again in about a month!
Would you buy a relaxing/chillout Actraiser arrange album? Is there another approach that you’d like to see Hibino and GEM Impact take with the series?
Read Hibino’s answers to this month’s “Ask Hibino” questions after the jump. (more…)