Want to get your finicky game lover a really unique Valentine’s gift? For 7 days only, all 6 soundtracks from the BIT.TRIP games will be on sale for only $1 in the exclusive “Lover’s Bundle”!
Gaijin Game’s BIT.TRIP game series features a slew of different game archtypes with colorful displays and catchy chiptune beats that drive you forward, such as the side-scrolling “Runner” and the pong-like rhythmic “Beat”. Simple yet engaging games with simple yet fantastic soundtracks. How could you go wrong with parting with $1 for all that goodness?
There’s also further tiers for those willing to part with a few more of their precious dollars and really give themselves or their sweetheart a treat, such as access to the soundtrack to the upcoming “Runner 2” and even the full game itself! Top donators get pooled into the running for even more goodies! Donate, get great stuff and feel good for helping contribute to great games with fun music!
Go to http://www.gamemusicbundle.com starting February 14th and get in on the the love before it runs out!