[Originally posted on Destructoid]
Diablo III has easily been one of my most anticipated games of the past five years (c’mon, we all knew it would be coming someday), and now it’s less than a week away. A lot has changed at Blizzard Entertainment since the release of Diablo II: Lord of Destruction in 2001, and we wanted to delve into the audio with Blizzard Entertainment’s audio director, Russell Brower, as well as with some of the composers and sound designers who have been toiling away on the game’s sound.
Although Diablo and Diablo II composer Matt Uelmen has long since left the company, the sound he crafted for the first two games in the series is still alive, and I think fans will be surprised by just how much respect that the entire team has the groundwork he laid down for Diablo III. As always, we also have some samples of the soundtrack for your enjoyment, so sit back, stay awhile, and listen. (more…)