The two North American version anime series that generated interest in the genre for a lot of us were Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z. One of the things that stood out about the series were their fantastic theme songs. Sailor Moon‘s theme was written by composer Bob Summers and wrote a series of memorable English lyrics for the Japanese theme song “Moonlight Densetsu”. For Dragon Ball Z, Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahehi (Haim Saban) delivered an entirely new theme song titled “Rock The Dragon” which in my opinion is the Dragon Ball Z theme to rule them all.
Often I search for covers of these great songs, and last week I stumbled onto two fantastic covers on the same album! The album is a stellar work by the hilariously named band Piss Lizard; Pizard? The album totals 11 tracks and is available as a Free Download on bandcamp.
What I love about their version of “Moonlight Densetsu” is that they use their passionate male vocals to give the theme an old timey sound in English, and Japanese .
As for the Dragon Ball Z cover “Pump Up The Draygen” the band has produced the best cover version to date adding their own matched sound effects of fighting from the original theme.
Check out the Free Album by the Piss Lizard; Pizard? on bandcamp for a good time. The rest of the album is just as good. Let me know what you think.