Sunsoft month!
What the devil is a Sunsoft?
If you’re old like me, you can remember playing Arabian and Kangaroo at the local arcade or Chuck E. Cheese or Showbiz Pizza or movie theater or bowling alley. Getting their start in 1978, they later moved from the arcade machine mecca of quarter-guzzling mayhem to the comfort of the living room, bad throw rugs, and sofas badly in need of reupholstering for the 8-bit consoles of yesteryear. Like several companies, they had their ups and downs as it relates to their relative commercial success (great success in the 8-bit world, mediocre sales in the 16-bit world, and then a resurgence when the PlayStation made its way to your doorstep (and I say your doorstep because I never owned one d: )). Their library boasted titles such as Batman franchise games, Gimmick, Blaster Master, Chameleon Twist, responsibility for ports that came to be known as Final Fantasy Adventure and Final Fantasy Legends, and a whole wealth of other fantastic entertainment experiences. Get your list-on at this convenient wikipedia world wide web page unit.
Dwelling of Duels paid tribute to Batman Gremlins Gimmick Journey to Silius Sunsoft this month as just such a publisher and – once again – amazement ensued. Here’s a gut-reaction as-I-listen rundown of this month’s spinning of straw into gold: