The biggest news regarding Diablo III at BlizzCon 2010 was the new Demon Hunter class reveal. Not huge news, I know, but we did get some hands-on with the class (It was a blast!), and heard a new piece of music in the lengthy demo. What we heard was an emotional cue with swelling strings and plucked guitar in the background. This is apparently the work of Joseph Lawrence, who has been handling many of the game’s interiors, creating what Audio Director Russell Brower has been calling “amazing ambient experiences” for the dungeons, and also writing some music.
I noted that there was some silence in the game when talking to Brower, to which he commented, “I still firmly believe that silence is one of our best tools. It’s all a game of contrasts. Music is an art and a craft of contrasts. Light versus dark. Heavy versus light. And sound versus silence.” Well said, and the silence does work quite well in the game.
So, who’s all working on the game? Brower himself had teamed up with Laurence Juber to create the powerful Diablo III “Overture” reveal piece, but since that time, Juber has been inspired, creating several cues for the game itself. Joseph Lawrence has been handling the lion’s share of in-game music as far as we can tell, while Glenn Stafford scored the Demon Hunter trailer shown above and Derek Duke handled the PVP Arena trailer that was also released at BlizzCon 2010.
I’m definitely looking forward to hearing more. How about you?