I know it’s been awhile, but we we’ve been waiting for Norihiko Hibino to select his favorite song titles and match them with a couple of his Hibino Sound Therapy Lab compositions. He’s made his decision, and has asked us to not only announce the winning track titles, but to also debut their respective tracks here on OSV. Check out “Dawn Bliss” named by Ryan and “Quiet Lake” named by Retroman below.
And winners, shoot us an email to contest@originalsoundversion.com with your name an address so I can mail you your prize. Congratulations!
Tags: Contests, Hibino, Norihiko Hibino, Prescription for Sleep
Wow, this is amazing! I’m honored my title was selected!
Just listened to the tracks. Very beautiful and soothing, I love them both!
Thank you Norihiko Hibino and OSV!