Game Music

OSVchannel Episode 5: Silent Hill: Homecoming, Etrian Odyssey, and OSV is Hiring!

October 14, 2008 | | 4 Comments Share thison Facebook OSVchannel Episode 5: Silent Hill: Homecoming, Etrian Odyssey, and OSV is Hiring!on Twitter

Another week, another OSVchannel update. I actually recorded this in the middle of the night, right before bed, so sorry if I seem somewhat distant! I didn’t even realize there was so much important stuff to cover from this past week. Good thing I remembered!

The first order of business is the recent Silent Hill: Homecoming soundtrack preview on Amazon, especially the stunning trip-hop track, “Witchcraft,” which is absolutely awesome. Next up, we listen to a couple of my favorite tracks from Live Music by Piano and Strings: Sekaiju no MeiQ I & II Super Arrange Version, including “Scene – Blue and White” and “Cherry Tree Bridge,” both of which are quite beautiful.

Lastly, I put a call out to all of you out there who would be a writer! We’re looking to bolster our Associate Editor list there on the left side of the screen. If you think you have what it takes (that is, some writing experience and a passion for music), send your writing samples to and tell us why you want to write about nerdy music. We’re looking forward to working with you!

Will you be picking up the Silent Hill: Homecoming soundtrack when it’s out or the latest Etrian Odyssey album? Do you have a favorite track from the respective preview or album?

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