We got two interviews and some site coverage recaps in this fantastic episode of the podcast!
First, an hour-long chat with the duo Stereo Alchemy. We just posted a review of their debut album, God of Love, two weeks ago. In this interview, Jayson and I go in-depth regarding the team’s creation, including how they selected the singers, the poetic text as lyrical source, and more! Christopher Tin also talks a bit about the “sophomore shakes” — that is, trying to do something fantastic after all the praise he got with Calling All Dawns (including a couple Grammy awards last year). The insight from Tin, as well as Kametron, really adds a lot of value to subsequent listens of their new album. Also, I’ll say it here again, “Love Is Love” is ridiculously good.
After that, Jayson and I talk about great game music we’ve been listening to and recap some of the coverage provided on the site in the last month or two.
Finally, we end the episode with a 20 minute Floex interview. His real name is Tomas Dvorak and you might know him as the composer for Machinarium. He’s one of two composers from the Indie Game Music Bundle 2 we hadn’t interviewed on the previous episode, so we get to talk to him here. Listen to the episode to learn about some really incredible stuff he’s worked on in the past and is continuing with in the present. For a taste of it, just watch this crazy video. Tomas and a friend made this happen at a Baroque chapel:
Download: Original SoundCAST Episode #013
[0:00:00] Stereo Alchemy interview
[0:48:20] OSV coverage recap, Pat and Jayson talk game music
[0:59:30] Floex interview
Wow, I had totally forgotten about God of Love! Ordered it now so thanks for reminding me.