The acoustic duo known around as the Super Guitar Bros. (aka. Sam Griffin & Steve Poissant) have at long last released their second full-length album as a follow up to their self-titled premier album in 2013. The new album, “Nice”, features 17 tracks spanning several classic games such as Donkey Kong Country, Chrono Trigger, Castlevania III and of course several Super Mario titles. It also features some of the most interesting album art for a VGM release I’ve seen since entering the community, which can take as you may.
The album is currently in digital format on Bandcamp at a “Pay What You Want” price, or as a physical CD for $10. The duo recently performed at San Francisco Comic-Con and PAX West 2016, and, you can also catch the Bros. streaming regularly on their Twitch channel for live practice, mini-performances and other shenanigans.
Tags: Albums, Arrangements, Bands, Game Music, News, Nice, Nintendo, Super Guitar Bros, VGM