More Know Your MAG coming your way, and this time we’re focusing on a bunch of guys in pinky puff suits that bounce around on stage, jamming on their instruments while occasionally and inexplicably farting stars.
Okay, so that’s a bold-faced lie, but it’d make for an even more entertaining stage show than the guys in Kirby’s Dream Band already put on.
The six guys that make up the band are just regular dudes who know how to rock, comprised of Erich Beckmann on Drums, Andre Beller on Bass, Ian Luckey on Keyboards, Mike Montemarano on more Keyboards, Ryan Munz on Guitar & Ryan Olson on more Guitar. (Because why ever limit yourself to just one?) These gentlemen not only give a franchise that doesn’t see nearly enough spotlight on stage (Kirby), but also rock out a bunch of music from other games too, just to inject something other than pink puffiness into your lives.
Kirby’s Dream Band will be a secondary performer at MAGFest 13, and we’ll let you know when they and every other performer goes on as soon as we get the released schedule. In the meantime, check out KDB’s work and start falling in love in time for MAG!
Kirby’s Dream Band – Bandcamp
Tags: Arrangements, Kirby's Dream Band, Know Your MAG, MAGFest 13, Performers, Rock, Video Game Band