AudioGame Jam 2

September 28, 2017 | | Comment? Share thison Facebook AudioGame Jam 2on Twitter
October 6, 2017 @ 8:00 am – October 15, 2017 @ 5:00 pm

Can you make a game playable only through audio? Would your game be playable without sight? Help us raise money for sight loss charities and make games accessible to blind and visually impaired people.

Audiogame Jam is a game jam event with the following goals:

  • to raise awareness of accessibility issues experienced by visually impaired people when playing videogames.
  • to encourage game developers to design their games with inclusivity and accessibility in mind.
  • to highlight the work of sight loss charities in helping visually impaired people access technology.

Games submitted should be playable without sight, relying entirely on audio to provide player feedback.

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