You heard me right. Blizzard has posted the “Diablo III Overture” we mentioned a couple months back at the Worldwide Invitational on iTunes for free. This is quite an unexpected surprise for fans, and is an awesome promotional move if I may say so myself.
Also note the credits here. Our good friends at the Eminence Symphony Orchestra appear to be involved with the recording, although it’s unannounced as to whether they’ll be involved with other tracks from the game. Doesn’t Russell Brower and the Eminence Symphony Orchestra sound like a pretty nifty band name?
So go and get it. It’s got the acclaimed Tristram theme included, although the epic orchestral approach may or may not be your thing. Do I smell a “more ambient music” petition brewing? Do you think it’s good to see a game company finally using music to promote their game?
[via Kotaku]
Tags: Blizzard, Diablo III, Downloads, Eminence, iTunes
Did Matt Uelmen die in a tragic accident after the release of TBC?
I’m very sad because that’s the only reason I can think of for Blizzard not making him write the soundtrack for the entire game.
Oh and that promoting by music thing was already done, and better:
I imagine the fact that he left Blizzard some time ago is the reason that he’s not writing the music. Regarding MP3 of the Week, that was absolutely genius, and I loved it to death. Blizzard is definitely on top of their stuff.
[…] The overture from Diablo III has been made available for free on iTunes. [OriginalSoundVersion] […]
[…] The overture from Diablo III has been made available for free on iTunes. [OriginalSoundVersion] […]
Sadly Canadian Itunes users once again get ignored.
The 30 second demo sounded very nice though…
Man, that really sucks. I think you can blame iTunes though. They make it very difficult to get stuff on multiple “stores” as it were. They should just combine Canada and the US. They’re basically the same thing anyway, right?
[…] Original Sound Version – Thanks, […]
[…] to hear these albums in all their legitamate glory will have to wait no longer. After posting the Diablo III Main Theme to iTunes earlier this week, Blizzard has opened the flood gates, uploading six full albums to iTunes today. […]