Featured, Indie Music

Contest: Rule Your Friends with a Signed Copy of Makara by E.S. Posthumus

February 15, 2010 | | 6 Comments Share thison Facebook Contest: Rule Your Friends with a Signed Copy of Makara by E.S. Posthumuson Twitter

Want one of these? We just ran our review of E.S. Posthumus’ powerful epic, Makara, this morning, and if you haven’t already rushed out to pick it up already (you should have!), we have a pretty sweet giveaway for you.  The brothers and their management staff have been kind enough to send us over signed copies of Makara to give away to you guys, which will certainly be hard to come by as the brothers don’t make all that many live appearances.

What do you need to do to win?  Simple!  Send an email to contest@originalsoundversion.com telling us about your favorite E.S. Posthumus moment, or, if you’ve yet to experience their awesomeness, tell us why you’re interesting in checking them out!  We only need a few sentences from you, so get those entries in!  You have until 11:59 PM PST on Monday, March 1, 2010 to enter, at which point we’ll select THREE entries at random to win a signed copy.

In the meantime, head over to the official E.S. Posthumus website and let us know what you think of the streaming samples from Makara.

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