Game Music

Contest Reminder: Metal Gear Solid 4 Original Soundtrack Signed by GEM Impact

September 11, 2008 | | 9 Comments Share thison Facebook Contest Reminder: Metal Gear Solid 4 Original Soundtrack Signed by GEM Impacton Twitter

This is just a reminder to those who didn’t catch the OSVchannel Episode 1 last week where we announced the details for our Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Original Soundtrack giveaway contest. We’re asking you to send us your pictures, videos, or text to explain how you enjoy the music in the Metal Gear Solid series. It can be a description of a particular track that you’ve enjoyed, a picture of you enjoying the music of MGS, or even a video of you performing you own version of the music from the game.


We have three copies courtesy of GEM Impact, signed by all four composers on the team, so send those entries to us at We will continue to take entries until midnight on September 18, 2008, at which point the editors will get together to determine which three entries reign supreme.

Are you a fan of the music of Metal Gear Solid? Are you looking forward to getting your hands on one of these signed copies?

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