Original Sound Version


8 Wed
GameSoundCon @ Millennium Baltmore Hotel
GameSoundCon @ Millennium Baltmore Hotel
Nov 8 all-day
GameSoundCon @ Millennium Baltmore Hotel
GameSoundCon, the premier conference for video game music and sound design. Sound designers of all levels will come together on Nov. 7 – 8 in Los Angeles for two days packed with sessions, networking opportunities,...
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8:00 pm Journey LIVE at U Texas Austin @ Bass Concert Hall
Journey LIVE at U Texas Austin @ Bass Concert Hall
Nov 8 @ 8:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Journey LIVE at U Texas Austin @ Bass Concert Hall
Journey LIVE is coming to Texas, at the University of Texas Austin’s Bass Hall. I (Austin) will be conducting the amazing Fifth House Ensemble. Come see us and even play on-stage!