The Megami Tensei franchise as a whole is a rather unique one in the realm of Japanese RPGs, and has been ever since it started on the Famicom in 1987, not only in the subject matter that it used, but also in its presentation and soundtrack. Now, the popularity of the franchise has risen dramatically,…
At this stage in gaming and game audio, there are many composers that can be considered legendary to some degree. It can be due to for the scale and number of projects they’ve worked on, the memorability of the themes they written, or simply because they’ve been in this industry for so long. One composer…
Among the various things that happened during GDC, Satoru Iwata delivered his keynote detailing the development process used at Nintendo when making games, citing an upcoming title as an example of this process. The game was Rhythm Heaven (known as Rhythm Tengoku Gold in Japan), and at the end of his presentation, everyone who attended…
Dog Ear Records is at it again. Fans of The Black Mages might want to pay attention later this month, as March 25th will see two new releases from the Japanese label. One of these items is a DVD of a live concert performance of The Black Mage’s third album, Darkness and Starlight. The other…