Game Music

Get In Shape With TopGun Tom!! Cho Aniki Exercise Video

February 23, 2010 | | 2 Comments Share thison Facebook Get In Shape With TopGun Tom!! Cho Aniki Exercise Videoon Twitter

You know how you always tell yourself that this year, you’re finally gonna get in shape and lose those pounds that always bother you as you look in the mirror? You’ve tried everything: crunches, sit-ups, expensive workout equipment, and even starving yourself, but the fat just never seems to go away. Well here today we got something just for you, and it is guaranteed to change your life! Here to help me demonstrate is TopGun Tom, the fittest brother on the planet.

With the new Cho Aniki exercise video we’ll make you sweat, lift, crunch, bend, flex and tone all those muscles so you can look just like TopGun Tom! With the Hyper Media Squat, you’ll feel your abs working like never before, and the Jowan Lift will give you the biceps you dreamt of. “Men’s Panic,” the new mega-hit from IDATENTAI will get you extra excited and push yourself to MUSCLE CLIMAX.

(Cho Aniki Zero is out on PSP from Aksys Games this spring.)

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